My Journey to the Daisy 2008 IBBGCM (Daisy International BB Gun Championship)

Posted by Junior Shooters

By: Caleb Paterson (Junior Writer  For Kids By Kids)

2008 071The whole thing started about a year ago when our shooting sports club, the Wyandotte County 4-H shooters, started to practice and teach the new shooters how to shoot in competitions. The first match was a very nerve racking ordeal but after that match I started getting more comfortable. A couple of matches went by and I started shooting some of the best scores I had ever shot. Then, it was time for us to host a match. We started to set everything up in the building and then the nerves suddenly hit me. Finally, I relaxed a little because I knew I would be shooting where I was most comfortable.

The day of the match was at hand and boy was I pumped! My dad had me help him on the line by keeping track of time and helping him spot for some of my team mates.

Then, it was my time to shoot. The first target was great, but suddenly, the second wasn’t the best that I could do. I told myself that I had to make up some major points so I calmed down and shot some of my best scores ever! After that match I realized that we really had a chance of going to the Daisy IBBGCM.


Right after our first state match, I live in Kansas, we knew that we were going to the IBBGCM; there was only one goal left and that was to win both state matches. Soon after winning the first state match we got a phone call with some bad news that one of our team members broke their collar bone playing soccer. Our coaches (Ron Paterson and Mike Augustine) had no idea who they were going to put on the team for the second state match. So, we looked at some stats and put the next person in line on the team which was one of our nine year old shooters Michaela Augustine When they announced the winners of the second state match and we realized we had won we were thrilled! That was the highlight of the year and the best feeling in the world. We could now go down to the IBBGCM with confidence.

I had one of the best times of my life down at the IBBGCM. It was one of the best matches of my life. My team consisted of myself and four girls: Alison, Michaela, Lydia, and Madison. Lydia is my sister. It was also a great opportunity to meet different teams and different people from all over the country. I also learned a lot of things that I can change in order to become a better shooter. I thought it was cool because I was around kids that like the same thing I liked. I could fit right in with all of the rest of the kids. undefined

My favorite thing was when we won the team award for the best painted gun, because the coach, Mike Augustine, that paints them got recognized for all the work he did. 2008 016I also was very proud of how well we placed. We placed the highest we ever had. It was the best time ever. IT WAS AWESOME!

Editor’s Note: BB Gun competitions are prevalent in 4-H shooting clubs across the country. They are well run and teach kids life skills such as: focus, patience, discipline, goal setting, concentration, respect for others, and more. They are also very challenging. Many of these competitors will easily outshoot adults in an airgun competition. This is a very challenging sport but certainly rewarding for both the competitors and the adults.

Contact Information:

The NRA BB gun rule book, which defines the rules and shooting positions, can be acquired, along with official targets, directly from the NRA at or call (800) 336-7402. You might also want to check out your local 4-H club or read the related article titled: Daisy’s International BB & Airgun Championship 2008. Entry and event information are available at: Daisy International BB Championship Check out all the photos at: Want to get the perfect BB gun for competition? Yep, you betcha. Go to or directly to and look for the Avanti Champion Model 499. This is the competitive BB gun you want.

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Copyright & Published By: Junior Shooters and Junior Sports Magazines Inc. Jan 2009


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