Profile of a Junior Shooter

Posted by Junior Shooters

IMG_1260By: Jessie Privett (14)

Hi. I’m Jessie Privett, this is a short story about my life. Since I’m only 14 there’s not much to tell. I was born in 1996 to Greg and Phobie Privett. My dad was a chicken farmer who liked driving race cars; my mom was a police detective up until I was born. I guess that explains why I like to go fast with guns.

I am from Portales, New Mexico. I first became interested in firearms at the age of 11 when my dad taught me how to shoot a Ruger Mark II. The bullet marks were scattered across the target, with very few in the bull’s-eye, but I was so proud of that piece of paper that I hung it up on my bedroom wall for everyone to see. Shortly after that I began to practice with my dad in the small shooting pit he dug behind our home. IMG_1258Those practice sessions gave way to my first match at the age of 12. I was shaking, either from nerves, adrenaline, or a combination of the two. Finishing last didn’t bother me, I was hooked and I have never looked back.

Competitive shooting is not the only hobby that I have. I enjoy sports and am on the volleyball and tennis teams and participate in performance drama at Portales High School. I am also a certified junior open water diver. Coupled with performance drama, I have competed in a state-wide team event known as Destination Imagination and placed 1st once and 2nd twice in our division. Keeping my grades up are a must to be allowed to take part in all of these activities. ShootingI finished my 8th grade year as an all A honors student. This year I am the Freshman Class President. Sometimes it seems like I never slow down, but this is what I love to do so I will keep on doing it, no matter how busy I get.

My family and friends are always there supporting me. I have one sister, Ryann, and she is 12 years old. She plays sports like volleyball and basketball, but doesn’t seem to be interested in shooting. My dad works at Privett Hatchery, a family owned chicken hatchery that my grandpa started in 1960. My mom is a retired police officer, substitute teacher, and stay at home mom. My friends, well, they are the craziest people I have ever met and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


As for my plans for the future, I am going to college. I would usually have a career plan to tell all about, but now that I have begun to look into it more seriously I have realized that I don’t know what I want to do. That’s just fine with me; I don’t think I should have to know right now. On the horizon is the AMU/MGM junior camp. I thought that it would be the highlight of my year, but right after I was accepted I found out about the MGM Ironman and my fantastic opportunity to work with Junior Shooters magazine. I would never have dreamed that I would be so blessed.


1Editor’s Notes: 1) The AMU/MGM junior camp is put on by The Army Marksmanship Unit and is sponsored by MGM Targets and the United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA). Two full days of training are conducted and the third day is shooting competition. Life skills are also taught as well as shooting skills. Juniors from all over the country are eligible but first time attendees have to write an essay to get accepted. It costs $250 which includes the hotel room and the course. Scholarships are also available so all you have to do is apply. Check it out at: or go to the article on the 2008 camp at: The camp normally takes place the end of October or the first part of November. 2) The MGM Ironman is a heart-pounding, tough 3-Gun match and one of the best in the country where you can easily shoot 1,400 rounds in three days. It has a tower and a zip line. Jessie is one of the five juniors in2011 that will be shooting for Junior Shooters magazine in the match. It is held in Parma, Idaho the 2nd week in June. Check out the article and video at:

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Copyright & Published by Junior Shooters magazine & Junior Sports Magazines Inc. October 2011


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