Rugged Gear Gun Carts

Posted by Junior Shooters

By: Andy Finkcat_lp_52[1]

Rugged Gear gun cart with Dallin and Hayden L-RAre you looking for a gun cart? Well, one of the best places around is Rugged Gear. Rugged Gear was established in 1994 as a manufacturer of quality hunting and shooting products. They have a vast array of products that hold or stow your hunting/shooting equipment while on the go!

(Right: Dallin & Hayden Hixson at the MGM Ironman 2010 with the four-gun gun cart they used during the match)

Junior Shooters magazine received both a two-gun cart and a three gun cart. Both of these were used by our juniors during the MGM Ironman 2010. The juniors, and the adults, that used them thought they were great! They held the firearms securely, had places for ammo and cleaning gear and were very easy to move up and down the range. The shooting Rugged Gear 4-gun gun cart 1experience is a lot more fun if you gun haul your guns from one stage to the next in an easy manner.

(Left: This cart is packed -five guns with ammo & gear!)

This is especially true at large 3-Gun competitions such as the Ironman where the distances from one stage to the next can be a long way and you do enough huffing and puffing just running the stages.

RedCartCutoutAccessories include gun covers, cart covers, gear bags, gun mounts, and even a conversion from a 4-gun cart to a 6-gun cart. and more. You really should check these out at

(Right: The carts are even available in a variety of colors.)

Logo New 12-29-08


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