CMP College Scholarships 2011-2012

Posted by Junior Shooters



RifleSAFS1Applications must be postmarked no later than 5 March 2011

The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) will provide scholarship assistance to encourage and reward outstanding and deserving students in JROTC/ROTC programs who also excel in rifle team programs at their schools. The CMP seeks applications from high school seniors who will enroll in a four-year college or university or from college students who are already in pursuit of a four-year degree.

CooperThe CMP will award a combined maximum of 75 $1000 one-year ROTC scholarships on the basis of merit to selected Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force JROTC, and Army and Navy ROTC applicants during the current school year for undergraduate college or university study. Scholarships are one-year awards, but scholarship recipients may reapply for scholarships in subsequent years if they remain enrolled in ROTC, maintain a 2.5 GPA, continue to excel in ROTC or college rifle team activities and continue to meet other scholarship eligibility criteria.

The scholarships are paid to the scholarship recipient through the financial aid office of the college or university where the student is enrolled. Scholarship checks will be forwarded to the PMS of the college or university where the student is enrolled.

CMP First Shots On-line logo

Eligibility requirements for CMP ROTC scholarships are:

  •    Be a U.S. Citizen.
  •    Be of good moral character.
  •    Have achieved a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average.
  •    Be starting or pursuing a four-year degree.
  •    Be a high school senior in JROTC who will attend a college or university and enroll in an Army, Navy or Air Force ROTC program or
  •    Be in college (Freshman, Sophomore or Junior) and enrolled in ROTC.
  •    Have demonstrated excellence as a current member of a JROTC, high school, ROTC or college club or college varsity rifle team and plan to continue as a member of the ROTC or College Rifle Team.
  •    Have demonstrated the motivation to complete a college education and the potential to serve as an Officer in the Armed Services of the United States.
  • Scholarships are not awarded to those attending United States Military Academy at West Point, United States Naval Academy or the United States Air Force Academy.

To obtain specific scholarship program regulations and application forms for the Army, Navy and Marine Corps programs, click on the appropriate heading below. Application Forms are available in PDF format and may be printed for completion and submission. 2011-2012 CMP College Scholarships Information and Application forms are posted below.
2011-2012 JROTC/ROTC Scholarship Selection Procedures

2011-2012 JRTOC/ROTC Scholarship Application

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is proud to provide this scholarship program for JROTC and ROTC cadets who excel in rifle marksmanship. If you have questions, please contact the CMP at 419-635-2141, ext. 1109, email or the appropriate Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Air Force cadet command.

Winners of CMP Scholarships: To see the names and schools of past CMP ROTC Scholarship winners, click on CMP SCHOLARSHIP HONOR ROLL.


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