Where To Shoot – NSSF Can Help You
Posted by Junior Shooters
NSSF Launches Redesigned
(On September 26, 2011, NSSF announced their redesigned their Where To Shoot web page. This is an outstanding resource and can be used by anyone. I get a lot of calls from parents about where to take their juniors shooting and always refer them to this site. Go check it out.)
FIND RANGES, TIPS AND OTHER RESOURCES FOR SHOOTERS . . . The National Shooting Sports Foundation today launched a newly redesigned WhereToShoot.org, the web’s most comprehensive and frequently updated listing of shooting ranges. The site allows anyone to search for a place to shoot in their area. Visitors simply enter their state or zip code and a list of shooting ranges is created. Searches can be further narrowed by selecting which shooting discipline you are interested in. In addition to its popular search capability, the site now offers a number of other resources for shooters, including links to video tips, free printable targets, news about local shooting events and opportunities, safety information and more. If you own a shooting range or if you’ve recently changed locations, NSSF encourages you to enter or update your range information free of charge. Coming soon: NSSF is currently developing a WhereToShoot.org-themed iPhone app, which will be available later this fall.
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