ACUI Donates to Collegiate Shooting Team Endowment Accounts

Posted by Junior Shooters

GA-2015-Emmanuel College - ACUI Lower East Champions Action ACUI Donates to Collegiate Shooting Team Endowment Accounts

Columbia, MO The Association of College Unions International has made a donation of $93,250 to the MidwayUSA Foundation’s Team Endowment Account Program.  Teams that will benefit from this donation recently competed in two ACUI Collegiate Clay Target Championship events.  Both events were held in January.

Michelle Smith, ACUI Director of Corporate Partnerships and Events, said, “As always, we thank the MidwayUSA Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. [Larry] Potterfield for supporting the ACUI Shotgun Bowl Series and Collegiate Clay Target Championships. They are helping make our program a success.”  Currently, over 300 collegiate shooting teams have an active Team Endowment Account.

GA-2015-Emmanuel College - ACUI Lower East Champions Along with donations like this one, teams can grow their Team Endowment Account through soliciting private donations, earnings, and conducting fundraisers. Funds generated through private donations and fundraisers are currently matched 1:1 through November 30, 2015.   Each year teams can then apply to draw up to 5% of their account balance to use for team expenses, such as, ammunition, range fees, targets, uniforms, travel and more.

Learn more about the MidwayUSA Foundation and its Team Endowment Account Program by visiting www.midwayusafoundation.orgor calling 1-877-375-4570.  To learn more about the Association of College Unions International visit

Dani Farris
Marketing Communications Specialist | NRA Annual Member | 573-447-5994
6001 West Van Horn Tavern Rd. Ste C | Columbia, MO 65203



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