2016 Junior Clinic Kick Off with MGM Targets and Practical Edge Shooting
Posted by Junior Shooters
On a foundation of responsible firearm use and training, as well as introduction to youth and families, MGM Targets recognizes their training partner Practical Edge Shooting in Kennewick, WA. Practical Edge kicked off their 2016 season last weekend with a Junior clinic.
PES Director, David Blosser commented afterward, “We are getting ready to kick off our 2016 Season with our first Team practice coming up in a week. The weather here is turning to spring, and most of the Team Athletes competed at last weekend’s local club match to get back into the shooting.
We also put on our Junior Clinic last weekend. This is a class for new junior shooters that is instructed by our Team Coach. Our Team Athletes share their skills by providing direct peer coaching to the students. We use the clinic to educate new shooters, generate interest into the shooting sports, and identify potential new Team members. At the clinic, we provide the guns & ammo, utilizing Browning Buck Marks, and Springfield XDm’s, and targets provided by MGM TARGETS.
We have been working with many of our partners this pre-season who have further committed their support to the Junior Team. I just want to acknowledge and thank all our partners and specifically thank Browning who is making some things possible for us this year that previously was out of our reach.
With your partnership and support we are looking forward to another successful and exciting shooting season.”
MGM Targets of Caldwell, Idaho is America’s largest steel target manufacturer for pistol and rifle – Providing premium firearms training equipment to discerning customers around the world since 1992.
http://mgmtargets.com/ mgmswitchview.com www.juniorshootercamp.org
Leave Nothing To Chance – mgmtargets.com – 888-767-7371 – Made in America
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