Register Now for the 10th Annual Eastern CMP Games in May
Posted by Junior Shooters
By Ashley Brugnone, CMP Writer
CAMP BUTNER, N.C. – The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) will be returning to the Tar Heel state to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of one of its most popular travel matches – the Eastern CMP Games. Rifle and pistol competitors alike are welcome to participate April 29 through May 3 at Camp Butner, N.C. for a weekend of rivalry, fellowship and fun. Spectators are also invited to attend.
Events scheduled to take place at the 2016 Eastern Games include the Garand/Springfield/Vintage and Modern Military Match, Vintage Sniper Match, as well as the popular Rimfire Sporter and Carbine Matches.
Pistol enthusiasts will be able to look forward to an As-Issued 1911 Match, Military & Police Service Match, Two-Man Team Match and EIC Match. Additionally, the new .22 Rimfire EIC Pistol Match, introduced at last year’s Eastern Games, will be making a return for those working towards a Rimfire Distinguished Badge.
For anyone wanting to hone his or her skills, a Highpower Shooting Clinic, Pistol Clinic and GSM New Shooter Clinic will take place throughout the week. The Eastern CMP Games will also conduct a Small Arms Firing School (SAFS) for new and experienced shooters. A staple event at the National Matches in Camp Perry, Ohio, since 1918, students in North Carolina will receive classroom and hands-on training in a safe and engaging environment.
The SAFS instruction is geared toward new shooters, so no previous firearm experience is required. Students participating in the clinic will learn gun safety, target shooting skills, positioning, and basic rifle mechanics by qualified CMP instructors and will fire in a real M16 match. There, students will be able to better learn range commands and see how a true match is conducted.
A barbecue cookout will also be held during the weekend as a thank you to all of our wonderful shooters and guests. Relax, mingle with CMP staff members and receive new friends as delicious food is served on the beautiful wooded grounds of Camp Butner.
For anyone wanting to fire in even more rifle competitions, the Creedmoor Cup Matches will follow the Eastern Games, May 4-8. Events will include a 4-Man Team Match, Creedmoor Cup Match and EIC Match.
We hope to see you in North Carolina!
For more information on the Eastern Games, including registration and full event descriptions, visit
The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. It is dedicated to firearm safety and marksmanship training and to the promotion of marksmanship competition for citizens of the United States. For more information about the CMP and its programs, log onto
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