Posted by Junior Shooters
From Air Venturi and Pyramyd Air
By Ben Moody (17)
The Air Venturi Wing Shot is unlike any other shotgun on the market. What makes it so different? It is powered not with gunpowder, but with air! That’s right — it shoots wads of BBs using a pre-charged cylinder of air. When I took the Wing Shot out of the packaging, I was surprised at how much it looked and felt like an actual shotgun. The finish on the wood was of good quality, and the action was engraved with designs. I was surprised to find it even had a removable choke! To charge the air tank takes either an air gun hand pump or a prefilled air tank.
The package came with three different projectiles, including six shot, eight shot, and a package of empty wads to build your own ammo. There is also the option of shooting a 50-caliber slug, but I did not have any slugs available. Hunting with the Wing Shot is really fun! I found it is great for invasive species, such as Eurasian doves, having more than enough power to bring down these midsized birds. The shot pattern is narrow compared to my 12
gauge, about 6 inches at 15 yards, but after practicing I was able to consistently hit my targets. This has been the most comfortable shotgun I have used, largely because there is zero recoil, allowing me to maintain a great follow-through with every shot. The stock fit me very well, and pulling the bead to the target was natural.
A really cool aspect of the Wing Shot is the option of building your own wads. I used regular BBs to make the equivalent of buckshot; it was extremely effective on the targets I was using. The Wing Shot is a single-shot air gun, containing five shots per filled cylinder. I suggest purchasing an air tank capable of charging the cylinder, because using a hand pump is a good 30-minute workout.
The fact that the Wing Shot has all the look and feel of a shotgun but the versatility of an air gun makes it a great choice for shotgunners. According to the manufacturer’s specifications, the max velocity is 1130 fps, showing that it is not a toy and should be treated as a firearm. I would like to thank Air Venturi and Junior Shooters magazine for the opportunity to test this awesome air gun.
Contact Pyramyd Air to order your WINGSHOT!
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