Special 2-Gun and 3-Gun Edition
Posted by Junior Shooters
The 2016 Special Edition is Done!
The 2016 Special 2-Gun and 3-Gun Edition is now on the newsstands. Check it out at Walmart!
This is packed full of information on 2-Gun sports (NSSF Rimfire Challenge and Long-range Precision Shooting) and 3-Gun (Cowboy Action Shooting and Modern 3-Gun,)
With articles on guns, events, and some of the juniors and families who really enjoy these sports it is a really special issue.
If you can’t find it at Wamart, give us a call to get one or order a subscription.
Have fun and shoot safe.
(On the cover: Ashbury Precision Ordnance custom Saber chassis rifle achieves groups of 1/2 MOA or less and is the perfect rifle for top competitors in precision long-range. Cimarron arms 1873 Deluxe rifle is a spitting image of the “Gun-That-Won-The-West” and is great for Cowboy Action Shooting. Rock River Arms XAR is one of the best rifles for the sport of Modern 3-Gun. Tactical Solutions XRING rifles are accurate, look cool, and work great in Rimfire Challenge.)
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