Cold Bore Challenge 2017
Posted by Junior Shooters

Ricky shooting his custom 6.5 Creedmoor from Ashbury Precision Ordnance with a VX-6 3-18x Leupold scope.
By Ricky Marston (16)
Recently, I attended the 2017 KWCBC Kennewick Washington cold bore challenge team rifle match. It was a two-man team, long-range, precision rife match. A shooter and a spotter made up the team and we traded off from shooter and spotter positions all day. It was awesome. It was a true blind-stage match so you wouldn’t be able to watch other teams in front of you. You also had to get your hide, dope and ranges on the clock and you only had eight minutes to engage all targets by both team members.
It was a wet rainy day on that Saturday morning. The first three stages were okay, but not our best ones of the match. The rest of the different blind stages were awesome and we cleaned house on most of them even when my rifle broke. My partner, Ben Moody (18), and I shared one gun on that last mover stage. We jumped back and forth to get all our engagements.

Ricky, prone, with his APO custom 6.5 Creedmmor. His teammate Ben is kneeling and spotting off of a tripod. He also shoots a custom APO 6.5 Creedmoor.
This match was a two-day match it ran Saturday and part of Sunday, but on Sunday morning, the fog was really thick and we couldn’t see any targets. We were hoping it would lift by 9 o’clock, but unfortunately it didn’t, so they decided to call the match at that point. Our team’s scores weren’t the best, but we did well for our first ever team long-range shooter/spotter match.
This match was awesome and I can’t wait to shoot it again with my team next year.
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