CMP-Affiliated Clubs May Continue Sanctioned Matches with Restrictions

Posted by Junior Shooters

By Steve Cooper, CMP Training and Education Manager

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is encouraged to announce that affiliated clubs which would like to conduct sanctioned rifle and pistol matches may resume those events, provided state and local guidelines and safe range practices are being followed.

“In the best interest of everyone involved, the CMP is not opposed to affiliated clubs holding sanctioned matches, as long as they provide a safe environment for participants, range safety personnel and spectators,” said Christie Sewell, CMP Programs Chief.

“In our sport during this time, we need to practice safety on two fronts – safe firearms handling at all times and providing a healthy place for competitors to hone their skills. That means practicing appropriate social distancing, disinfecting common surfaces and screening participants for health concerns,” she said.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many CMP-affiliated clubs with rifle and pistol ranges have either shut down or curtailed marksmanship activity to help protect participants from the potential spread of the virus.

The CMP, like the majority of participants in our marksmanship activities, would like to restore normal conditions, such as match competition and instruction. However, it recommends each club follow guidelines to keep their facilities safe, such as:

  • Following state and local laws and adherence to health advisories
  • Limiting/spacing the number of participants who congregate for safety briefings, etc.
  • Spacing out firing points, leaving empty firing points between shooters
  • Ensuring participants wear masks, covering their nose and mouth
  • Washing hands frequently and/or providing disinfectant wipes
  • Continuously cleaning common surfaces such as shooting benches & equipment

The CMP has canceled all of its match events based on the large volume of participants at its marksmanship events. However, clubs who have relatively manageable numbers of attendees may use discretion in conducting activities for safety reasons.

We will continue to monitor the current environment and follow practices in the best interest of our staff, customers and participants regarding future events. Please check the CMP website at and/or subscribe to Shooting News emails on the News & Media tab on the CMP homepage to monitor future events.

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. It is dedicated to firearm safety and marksmanship training and to the promotion of marksmanship competition for citizens of the United States. For more information about the CMP and its programs, log onto


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