Mini Mosin Nagant from Keystone Sporting Arms
Posted by Junior Shooters

Kiae shooting in the kneeling position. What a great training rifle!
By James Abrao, Logan Hunt (13), Kaitlin Hunt (11)
From Volume 41 Winter 2020 issue.
A miniature .22 LR version of the classic Mosin-Nagant 1891/30 Rifle used by the Russian infantry through the Russo-Japanese War, World War I and, in its improved 1930 Soviet version, World War II. It is the first of a series of Mini Mil-Surplus rifles, a collection of five WWI and WWII rifles scaled down for youth shooters and chambered in America’s plinker, the 22 LR cartridge. Kids can shoot their own version of Grandpa’s cool military firearms.

The front sight has a solid post producing an excellent sight picture.
The Keystone Sporting Arms 9130 Mini Mosin Nagant has a 20-inch barrel, precision-machined to ensure the durability and accuracy that is normally reserved for the big guns. Its walnut stock is nostalgic and subtly elegant. The action is based on the proven, safe, single-shot Crickett design and has a straight-handled bolt, just like the original Mosin Nagants. This slows down the process, immensely. Making it a perfect training pace. It is less dramatic than a magazine fed bolt action.
I used the Mini Mosin-Nagant at our Junior Shooters team’s range training day to instruct our newest juniors on the fundamentals and factors common to all firing positions. We reviewed the prone, sitting, kneeling, and standing.
The Mini Mosin is scaled perfectly to allow an instructor to isolate the essential elements of each pos

The rear sight is adjustable just like the original Mosin Nagant rifle.
ition as the junior manipulates the rifle. The junior easily operated the rifle with no problem working the bolt, trigger, inserting a cartridge. It is easy to aim and accurate. When we focused exclusively on those elements and taught them in sequence comprehension came as quickly as their smiles did.
This dynamic little single shot is the perfect tool for teaching kids the sporting and history side of firearms.
The Mini Mosin Nagant .22 is a fun gun. It is very small and very light. I would definitely recommend this to new shooters. What you do is pop a bullet in the chamber, move the bolt forward and lock the bolt handle down. You pull the end piece of the bolt back to cock it and now it’s all loaded and ready to go. It has next to no kick back, and that is very helpful if you are new because you don’t want to be shooting something like a shotgun when you first start shooting.

Logan, loading a cartridge.
The few times I shot it was a lot of fun and I could easily see myself shooting for hours-upon-hours with it. The Mini Mosin Nagant .22 is a 10-out-of-10 gun in my view I have nothing bad to say about it. It’s range is great and it is very accurate.
This Mini Mosin Nagant .22 is really fun to shoot, but I called the gun, The Pellet Gun. I called it this because it only takes one bullet (cartridge) at a time. The Mosin is easy to load, but it only takes one bullet at a time so once you fire you have to reload. Either way, The Pellet Gun is simple to load once you know what to do.

Kaitlin, just getting ready to shoot. Notice the us of the safety flag.
The Mini Mosin Nagant rifle is not the best for long-range (100 yards), but when shooting it at close-range (50 yards or less), it is really easy to hit the target. The good thing about the Mini Mosin Nagant .22 is it isn’t very loud.
Editor’s note: Though Kaitlin called the Mosin “The Pellet Gun” it actually takes a .22 Long Rifle (LR) cartridge. It also accepts .22 Shorts and .22 Long cartridges.)
MSRP $399.00
Stock: Black Walnut
Caliber: .22LR
Weight: 2.8lbs
Barrel: 20? Blued
LOP: 11.5?
OAL: 33.625
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