Posted by Junior Shooters

At Hatsan Air Guns checking out the new products.
Wow! Junior Shooters has been having fun at the SHOT Show. Here are some of their photos and follow their posts on Instagram at: @juniorshootersmagazine

Junior Shooters magazine team members meeting up from all over the country! Wisconsin, Ohio, and Idaho!

Had tons of fun looking at the @leadstarams PCC and talking with @palmettoarmoryofficial!!

Checking out and saying thank you at the Mossberg booth for all of their support!

An amazing night at the Women of the Gun Reception!

WOW! I never thought I would be getting tips from Tod Jarret!
Categories: Action Pistol, Airgun, Archery, Associations, CFDA Cowboy Fast Draw, Clay Targets, Clubs & Teams, CMP, Cowboy Action Shooting, Events, gun laws, Guns & Acc., High Power, Hunting, Long Range, Mags & Pubs, Merchant Links, Miscellaneous, Modern 3 Gun, Olympics & USA, Our other Social Media Platforms, Pistol / Revolver, Plinking Fun, precision shooting, Product Reviews, Rifle, Safety, SASP, SASS, SASS, Scholarships, SCTP, Shotgun Sports, Skeet, Smallbore, Sponsers, Sporting Clays, SSSF, Tips For Shooters, Trap, Uncategorized, Western Action
Tags: 2 gun, 3 gun, cabot firearms, cfda, civilian marksmanship program, cmp, competitive shooting, competitive shooting programs, Foundation, hatsan air guns, idpa, jr shooter, jr shooters, junior, junior camps, junior shooter, junior shooters, junior shooting camps, junior writers, juniors, kids, learn to shoot, learning to shoot, mossberg, odin works, Olympics, palmetto armory, plinking, rimfire challenge, SASP, sass, Scholastic Action Shooting Program junior shooter, scholastic clay target program, sctp, shooting, shooting sports, shot show, shot show 2022, SSSF, steel challenge, usa shooting, USPSA, youth shooting, youth shooting sports
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