California Plans on Rejecting the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals decision to REVERSE the lower court on granting an injunction against AB2571 (advertising to minors) September 13, 2023 – Junior Sports Magazines v. Bonta (California) by filing for En Banc!
Posted by Junior Shooters

Junior Shooters magazine is no longer sold in CALIFORNIA, and as of the FALL 2023 issue, is not sold in ILLINOIS either! We will continue the legal process against such draconian laws from any states and defend your First Amendment rights! We need your help! Advertise! Subscribe!
By Andy Fink (Editor-In-Chief Junior Shooters magazine)
We had a previous post on the date of that decision; REVERSING the lower courts denial for an injunction September 13, 2023- FLASH– The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision today in the Junior Shooters magazine (Junior Sports Magazines, Inc.) and other plaintiffs’ challenge to AB 2571, the law that prohibited the marketing of firearms and related products by members of the firearm industry to minors in California, and encouraging the use of firearms by minors.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals three judge panel REVERSED the district court’s DENIAL of plaintiffs’ motion for a preliminary injunction seeking to enjoin, pursuant to the First and Fourteenth Amendments on September 15, 2023. COURT DECISION.
We got notified on September 22nd, that California is going to apply for en banc (request for a special procedure where ALL judges of the 9th court of appeals would hear the case.) states, “Headquartered in San Francisco, California, the Ninth Circuit is by far the largest of the 13 U.S. Courts of Appeals, covering a total of nine states and two territories and with 29 active judgeships.” 29 judges all together to hear one case? Impossible? Maybe not! En banc review is used for unusually complex or important cases or when the court believes there is a particularly significant issue at stake. (There certainly is a significant issue at stake: Your future and the 1st and 14th Amendments.) The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has held several en banc hearings. They usually have a 6 or 9 judge panel when they do so. So, they very well might hear this one.
Remember, while all this is going on, California AB2571 REMAINS IN PLACE!
They will have to file by November 13th. We will file an opposition to that, due by the end of September. Then the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals will file a reply if they hear it or not. Will we see an injunction in place by spring 2024? I doubt it. Hopefully, we will (sometime) get an Injunction. However, even then the case will continue to be argued and go through the court process.
This will be a long and arduous effort!
Junior Shooters magazine (Junior Sports Magazines, Inc.) and all the plaintiffs need your support!
Advertise in our ONLINE Specials on this subject, with articles, ads, and detail related to saving youth shooting sports and our future. Advertise in our print magazine and website. Subscribe!
Support all the plaintiffs: Junior Sports Magazine, Inc., CRPA, Second Amendment Foundation, California Youth Shooting Sports Association, Redlands California Youth Clay Shooting Sports, Gun Owners of California, and The CRPA Foundation.
Contact Andy Fink: 208-629-8967 or email to
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