Saving Youth Shooting Sports and Your Future Volume 3 ONLINE Issue Just Published!
Posted by Junior Shooters
If you are UNDER 18 in California or Illinois STOP, DO NOT CONTINUE. It is illegal for you to read this material. NOT SOLD IN CALIFORNIA and ILLINOIS!

NEW! December 2023! Special ONLINE Edition! Check it out! – Saving Youth Shooting Sports and Your Future!
Changing the Voting Structure in the U.S.A.
“California law AB2571, is a specific, well planned, effort by California and anti-gun groups to eliminate pro-gun information to minors by making it illegal. At the same time, ensuring that anti-gun information is still legal and increasing the amount of anti-gun information. Thus, changing the voting structure in the U.S.A. I can prove it.” Andy Fink, Publisher Junior Shooters magazine.
California and Illinois, and other states so inclined, want to stop minors from being able to gain knowledge about the shooting sports, safety about firearms, and the use of firearms and firearm related products.
The California law, AB2571 on advertising to minors, states that “YOU” can NOT encourage a minor residing in California to use a firearm or firearm related product, is a specific, well-planned effort by California and anti-gun groups to eliminate current and future pro-gun knowledge by youth and pro-gun votes. This is my perspective which I have been talking about in my editorials. One of the California judges on the Ninth Circuit Court specifically spells this out and agrees with me. See page 21-24 of their decision on September 13, 2023 link: NOTE: California appealed and there will be a new hearing probably in the Spring, 2023 to see if our filing for an injunction will finally be granted (first filed July 2022). These legal efforts will go through the court process for the next 1-3 years! Check out copies printed issues under ARTICLES Junior Shooters » ARTICLES on the header bar above and issues of our Special ONLINE issues covering this topic in this section: Volume 3 “Saving Youth Shooting Sports and Your Future” above. Volumes 1 & 2 “Stopping California” below.
We are in the process of determining what legal actions we will be taking in Illinois! Law: IL HB0218 | 2023-2024 | 103rd General Assembly | LegiScan
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Table Of Contents Volume 3 Saving Youth Shooting Sports and Your Future:
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