Posted by Junior Shooters
STOP! If you are a MINOR in California or Illinois, you are not allowed to read further. It is illegal for a minor residing in California or Illinois to read anything about firearms or firearm related products published by Junior Shooters (Junior Sports Magazines, Inc.)

The AWSOME HUNTER WIRE online publication and website is a fantastic place to check out youth shooting, fishing, and outdoor recreation organizations, products, articles and more. Junior Shooters recommends you check them out: YAH Wire | Young Awesome Hunter

Ruger’s new ultra lightweight 10/22, Three Henry 22 lever-actions, Ruger’s 5.7 combo, legal status of efforts to stop California’s law on NO advertising of firearms and firearm related products to minors. Changing the voting structure in the U.S. to totally ant-gun. CLICK ON COVER on right!
STOP anti-gun groups from destroying the capability to provide positive, pro-gun information, including firearms safety, to minors. Work with Junior Shooters magazine. NO LONGER SOLD IN CALIFORNIA OR ILLINOIS! Save your 1st, 2nd, and 14th amendments!
Categories: Associations, Clay Targets, Clubs & Teams, Events, firearm safety, gun safety, Olympics & USA, SCTP, Shotgun Sports, Skeet, Sporting Clays, Trap
Tags: 2 gun, 3 gun, advertising firearms to youth, advertising guns, advertising guns to minors, advertising guns to youth, biathlon, California AB2571, California advertising to youth, California and youth shooting, California and youth shooting sports, California attacks youth shooting sports, california decimates youth shooting sports, California gun laws, California stops youth from shooting, cfda, civilian marksmanship program, cmp, competitive shooting, competitive shooting programs, effects of California AB2571, encouraging youth participation in shooting sports, firearm safety, firearms advertising to youth, Foundation, gun laws, gun laws and minors, gun safety, idpa, Illinois gun law advertising to youth, Illinois gun laws, Illinois HB2018, jr shooter, jr shooters, jr. shooters, junior, junior camps, junior shooter, junior shooters, junior shooting camps, junior writers, juniors, kids, learn to shoot, learning to shoot, minors using guns, NSSF, Olympics, plinking, rimfire, rimfire challenge, safe gun storage, SASP, sass, scholarships, Scholastic Action Shooting Program junior shooter, scholastic clay target program, sctp, shooting, shooting sports, SSSF, steel challenge, U.S. Biathlon, usa shooting, USPSA, youth shooting, youth shooting sports
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