‘Some Kid’ Owns the Country During 2015 Rimfire Events

Posted By on June 23, 2016

By Ashley Brugnone, CMP Writer  Rimfire Cover


Samuel Payne had an unforgettable 2015. At just 16, he dominated the Rimfire Sporter events at the Civilian Marksmanship Program’s (CMP) Eastern Games, National Matches, Western Games and the Talladega 600, while also setting two new National Records during the year. Sam’s photo also graced the cover of 2015’s 10th Edition of the CMP Guide to Rimfire Sporter Shooting – and rightfully so. He proved his undeniable talent at every event he entered, not only winning the matches, but also setting the bar high for competitors in the future.

“From when I first started, I always said I was going to be the first one to shoot 600 – that was my dream. But I never really thought it was possible,” said Sam. “Being on the cover of the Guide to Rimfire Sporter definitely made me believe I was good enough to be the first one to do it. I figured, I was good enough to be put on the cover, so I’m good enough to shoot the first 600.”

“I wanted to do it just to hear everyone say ‘some kid’ did it first,” he added.

(In 2015, Sam’s photo was chosen as the cover of the 10th Edition of the CMP Guide to Rimfire Sporter Shooting. At just 16, he has already accomplished more than any other Rimfire Sporter competitor before him. Download a copy of the CMP Guide to Rimfire Sporter Shooting at http://thecmp.org/wp-content/uploads/Rimfire.pdf.)

His sensational year began at the 2015 Eastern Games in North Carolina in May when Sam became the first marksmen in the history of the CMP Rimfire Sporter Match to fire perfection – etching a score of 600-50x into the record books.

“I stopped a second, and I was like, this is what’s going to either make me or break me – you’ll either shoot a 600 or you’ll mess all of this up,” he explained of his last shot at Eastern Games. “I pulled the trigger, and I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, I just did it. I’m the first one.’”

National-MatchesThe previous year, Sam missed out on the perfect 600 at Eastern Games by only one point – firing a score of 599-43x. Excited to gain that point back at Nationals, he was denied his chance when a treacherous thunderstorm forced the event to be cancelled.

“At Eastern Games, I was just hoping to tie my 599 from the previous year,” Sam said. “I never thought I would be the first person ever to fire 600. And after having an amazing chance to do it last year at Nationals but being rained out, I was determined to win no matter what this year.”

(At the 2015 Eastern Games in North Carolina, Sam made history by becoming the first and only person in the existence of the Rimfire Sporter Match to ever fire a perfect 600 score. He was awarded by the creator of the Rimfire Sporter Match, DCM Emeritus, Gary Anderson.)

Flash forward to the prestigious National Rifle Matches at Camp Perry in August 2015 when the Kingston, Ga., native became the Match Winner of the T-Class with an unbelievable score of 599-46x – another National Record. He was also the High Junior and the High 4-H Junior.

(Sam continued his remarkable year by setting a new National Record during the Rimfire Sporter event at the 2015 National Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio.)

He said of his performance at Nationals, “I wanted to shoot a 600 because I didn’t want to do so good there (Eastern Games), then come out here and do worse at the bigger competition.”

The one point he dropped in the match was his third shot during standing rapid fire. From his scope, he thought the shot may have been close to the 10 ring, so he continued on as if he was still on track with his perfect performance.

“I didn’t know until after I finished shooting [that I didn’t make the 10 ring], which is probably good because it would’ve messed me up a little more,” he said with a smile.

Of his new National Record, he added, “It’s awesome. It’s almost as good as a perfect score because it’s the thing to beat.”Talladega-600

The following October, Sam set his sights on the CMP Western Games in Phoenix. It was there that he again overtook the T-Class and the match with a score of 593-29x – beating the second place competitor by 10 points and the closest junior by more than 100 points.

(During his trip to Arizona for the CMP Western Games, he once again led the T-Class and was the overall junior in the Rimfire Match. He even outshot the closest junior by more than 100 points.)

At the Inaugural Talladega 600 event in December, fired at CMP’s state-of-the-art Talladega Marksmanship Park in Alabama, Sam raised his score from Western Games by finishing with 597-33x. He was, for the fourth time that year, the Overall Winner and High Junior of the T-Class – becoming the first to do so at the Talladega 600 and the first person in history to sweep the Rimfire Sporter matches in the North, South, East and West.



(Sam finished his sensational Rimfire Sporter run by winning the match at the Inaugural Talladega 600 event at CMP’s new Talladega Marksmanship Park in Alabama.)

Sam’s roots in the Rimfire Sporter Match started at the 2013 National Matches when he was named the High Junior and finished 11th overall – firing an impressive score of 586-29x. The following year at the 2014 Eastern Games and Western Games, he was the High Junior and Overall leader in the T-Class. He has remained at the top ever since – not bad for “some kid.”

Currently, his dad, Doug, coaches Sam’s Bartow County 4-H team and hosts a Rimfire Sporter match each month in Griffin, Ga., at the Georgia Competitive Shooters Club. He also takes Sam to Tennessee and other small Rimfire matches to gain more experience in the event. In addition to shooting the .22 rifle, he has also been active in air rifle over the last few years.

“In 2016, because of starting precision air rifle and three-position smallbore, we may not travel to all the matches like in 2015,” he said. “But I will be going back to Nationals to try to set the record again, and we will definitely be going to the New England Games (set in Vermont in September) to try and be successful in all the big matches.”

Congratulations, Sam, and good luck in 2016!

About Rimfire Sporter:

The Rimfire Sporter Match entered the CMP Games events in 2002. The recreation-oriented match features manual or semi-automatic .22 caliber sporter rifles that competitors fire from 50 and 25 yards using open, telescopic or rear aperture sights. The event is designed to be fun and challenging, while also being perfectly suited for both experienced and new marksmen. For more information on the Rimfire Sporter Match, visit http://thecmp.org/competitions/club-sanctioned-events/rimfire-sporter/.

Entries for the National Rimfire Sporter Match held on Saturday, July 9, at Camp Perry is open. Visit https://ct.thecmp.org/app/v1/index.php?do=match&task=edit&match=14096 to register.

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. It is dedicated to firearm safety and marksmanship training and to the promotion of marksmanship competition for citizens of the United States. For more information about the CMP and its programs, log onto www.TheCMP.org.

Para-athlete Junior and Coach Bound to Realize Rifling Dreams

Posted By on May 28, 2016

clip_image002[5]By Ashley Brugnone, CMP Writer

Taylor Farmer, 18, of Castalia, Ohio, was born to persevere. Her entire life, cerebral palsy (a neurological Taylor Farmercondition that limits muscle coordination) has led her to have to work just a little harder than others to achieve  her goals. The effects of the disease on her body cause her to walk with crutches and to use a wheelchair when she moves across long distances – but that hasn’t slowed her down.

In fact, with the incredible help of someone who happens to know exactly what it’s like to be in her seat (so to speak), she has learned to thrive at lightning speed. Or, you could say, at the speed of an air rifle pellet.

As a teenager, Taylor began shooting rifle with her dad and her older brother. Though her medical ailment makes certain activities more difficult than they are for the average person, she never let it get in the way of her desire to shoot.

(Taylor Farmer may look like just another shooter, but there is so much more than what meets the eye. Despite being diagnosed with cerebral palsy, Taylor has achieved incredible milestones in only her first year of competitive shooting.)

“I didn’t really think of it as being a challenge. I just wanted to do it,” she said, matter-of-factly.

Taylor started building her marksmanship skills with a .22 rifle as a member of a local conservation league as well as a junior 4-H club. Right away, her 4-H coach, Mary Ann Miller, recognized Taylor’s talent and wanted to connect her with someone who could teach Taylor not only the fundamentals of competitive shooting, but the other, more unique elements that Taylor personally will face. Immediately, Mary Ann knew just the right person.

Greg Drown Greg Drown, 56, was a member of The Ohio State University Rifle team from 1980-1984 – serving as team captain his junior and senior year and earning numerous gold medals throughout his career in college and beyond. He even competed in the 1984 Olympic Team Tryouts in Los Angeles and has been a State Champion in Three Position Air Rifle and Smallbore (.22) Prone again and again over the last three decades.

Though his accomplishments are already astounding on paper, a further look into his story shows more than just an incredible marksman – Greg is a model of mental strength and endurance.

From 1995-2000, Greg gradually developed multiple sclerosis, a disabling condition of the central nervous system. His disease placed him in a wheelchair, but his determination kept him moving further into his shooting career (and winning a slew of gold medals and championships).

“It was a daunting task to re-learn the positions, not to mention shooting out of a chair with an attached table,” he said. “I had my trials and tribulations, but it took three or four years to become competitive again.”

With determination, Greg reached the pinnacle of his career by winning the 2009 3P Any Sight National Championship at Camp Perry. He also made it to a Para World Cup in 2011.

In September 2015, Greg and Taylor finally connected for the first time at the Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center airDay at the Range rifle range, during the Ohio Day at the Range event at Camp Perry – designed for children and adults with disabilities and their families to come together to fish, make crafts, learn about nature and, of course, shoot air rifle.

(Taylor Farmer and Greg Drown met for the first time at the 2015 Ohio Day at the Range, where families, friends and those with disabilities come together to participate in fun outdoor activities. The CMP offered air rifle at the Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center during the event.)

“I grabbed a sporter rifle off the rack and Taylor began shooting off the foam rests,” Greg said. “She consistently put 20 or so shots in the 10 ring.”

Taylor then asked Greg if she could get rid of the rest and shoot out of the adapted standing position while seated in her wheelchair. To Greg’s amazement, she continued to put shot after shot in the 9 and 10 ring – all without a coat and glove.

“Right then and there, I knew I had something special,” he said. “I kept telling her over and over how well she was doing, and all I got back was this simple expression of ‘I can do this – this is easy.’”

Greg mentioned the CMP’s Open Public Shooting on Tuesday and Thursday nights, where anyone can come to the range to shoot air guns. He then, without hesitation, offered to use those times to help Taylor advance her skills – as her new coach.

“A star was being born – that sounds corny, but it was true,” Greg joked. “I was just as excited as she was when we left that day.”

As a coach, he carefully observes her shooting to improve her growing marksmanship skills. But one of the most important things that makes Greg an extraordinary mentor for Taylor is when it comes to understanding something that not all marksmen can – shooting from a wheelchair.

“Right now, she is shooting world-class qualifying scores, and I show her what she is capable of and that there is no reason she cannot be competitive in the Para World Cup circuit,” Greg said.

Through his teachings, Taylor has genuinely connected with Greg as a trainer and a human being, saying, “If I wouldn’t have had him as a coach, I wouldn’t be where I am today. He can just comprehend some things better.”

Greg JacketTaylor’s first taste of competitive air rifle came right away in September 2015, at a 60-Shot CMP Monthly Match at Camp Perry. Without a glove or a jacket of her own to use, the match turned out to be more difficult for her than she thought – both mentally and physically.

(At first, without a jacket of her own, Taylor borrowed Greg’s for practice. Unfortunately, Greg’s jacket is designed for a right-handed shooter and Taylor is left-handed – not exactly as stabilizing at it should have been. Eventually, Taylor got a jacket of her own.)

“I was pretty nervous,” she said. “I didn’t do the best, but over time, I got better and better.”

Now fully equipped, Taylor is becoming a regular at air rifle events. Though less than a year into her career, she has shot in every 60-Shot CMP Monthly Match. In December, she fired at the Junior Olympic Qualifiers match where she fired 381 – a shot above the 380 cut-off score. Unfortunately, disabled shooters aren’t currently recognized, and she wasn’t able to fire for record at the Junior Olympics.

The following March, at the 60-Shot NRA Air Rifle Sectionals at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, she recorded a score of 580/600 to earn second place overall – not bad for her first match on paper targets. Just a few weeks later, she fired a score of 395/400 to receive her first gold medal at the 40-Shot NRA Junior Sectional Match at the University of Akron in Akron, Ohio.

“I didn’t think, since I had just been shooting since September, that I could go that far,” she admitted. “But, practice makes perfect.”

And practice, she does. Since September, her incredibly supportive parents, Dennis and Princetta, have made the 25-Open Public minute drive to the air range at Camp Perry every week, twice a week, for practice during Open Public Shooting. They plan on continuing her training, even after she graduates from high school in June.

“Taylor is a very determined young lady,” Greg said. “Her accomplishments and abilities keep amazing me every time we train and compete . . . She has shown in training and in matches that she has what it takes.”

Greg went on, “I think she is determined enough to show them, ‘Look what I can do, and look what I have accomplished in my short shooting career, and look what is in store for me.’”

Gold Medal This summer, Taylor plans to visit Fort Benning, Ga., where she hopes to be classified by the International Paralympic Committee on her degree of impairment in the sport. From there, she’ll keep her eyes on her ultimate goal – earning a spot on the Olympic team during the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.

(Taylor earned her first gold medal at the 40-Shot NRA Junior Sectional Match at the University of Akron in the spring of 2016.)

Greg, after overcoming discouraging obstacles during his own lifetime, is focused on helping Taylor reach her goals. And, without knowing it, Taylor has aided Greg in return by fulfilling one of his life aspirations through their incredible bond on and off the firing line.

“My goal all along has been that if I could make a difference in just one person’s life, it would make it all worthwhile to me,” he said. “It’s hard to explain – there is something God-like here. It was really meant to be that there is this special coach-student relationship. I truly feel I have seen this young lady grow and become more mature – from that first day.”

Mary Ann (Pictured is Taylor (left), her 4-H coach Mary Ann Miller (center) and Greg Drown (right). Taylor has also credited Mary Ann as an extremely influential figure in her rifling career, saying, “I wouldn’t be where I am today without Mary Ann too.”)

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. It is dedicated to firearm safety and marksmanship training and to the promotion of marksmanship competition for citizens of the United States. For more information about the CMP and its programs, log onto www.TheCMP.org.


Camp Perry Training Site, Bldg. 3,P.O. Box 576, Port Clinton, OH 43452, Tel (419) 635-2141
Web site: www.TheCMP.org
On-Line Newsletter: http://thecmp.org/communications/the-first-shot/

IDPA Shooter Paul Chern Dampac

Posted By on May 23, 2016

By: Feliza Dampac (Republished from Vol 16 Junior Shooters)Paul 8

Paul Chern Dampac is16 year old from Rock Hill, South Carolina. Growing up, he had seen me and my husband go to local International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) club matches on the weekends and one day asked us to bring him to the range. My husband, who is also a safety officer, introduced him to gun safety, proper gun handling, and finally the mechanics of shooting IDPA which he quickly adapted to. He learned that it is important to love the sport in order to be able to stay on the game. His first classifier was at age 12; as a novice. With strong determination and proper mentoring, he won his division and became a Stock Service Pistol (SSP) Master and garnered high junior at the 2012 SC State IDPA championship (probably the youngest active shooter to reach Master classification at age 15 in IDPA). 

With continued hard work, he earned his 2nd Master classification, this time in (Enhanced Service Pistol) ESP and also won high junior at the recently concluded 2013 Virginia IDPA Championship. He hopes to be a 3-Gun Master before he turns 18. Interestingly, his younger sister also became interested in the sport so we go to matches as a whole family. Thankfully, most sanctioned matches offer junior discounts.

This sport has given him the chance to meet good people from different walks of life at a young age. He is happy that Icarus is currently sponsoring his competition shirts for future matches. He also goes to steel challenge, (Glock Sport Shooting Foundation) GSSF matches and in beginning to venture on to other shooting discipline like United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA.) He hopes that his achievement will be noticed so he can go to more matches that will help him develop his maximum potential.

Paul 4 Paul 9 He goes to local club matches basically every weekend including sanctioned matches. Our family is a member of the Central Carolinas Shooting Club and we also shoot with the Spartanburg Practical Shooting Association, Mecklenburg Wildlife Club and Greenville Gun Club. We usually bring him to sanctioned matches in our nearby states like Georgia, Virginia, Alabama, North Carolina, and Tennessee and goes to GSSF matches when able.

Paul basically started with IDPA and steel challenge which he enjoys but has been focusing mainly on IDPA because it is what we can afford right now. Shooting as a whole family has been expensive. Although recently, we started bringing him to local USPSA matches at a nearby club. .He tries to balance school and the sport. He is now a junior in high school. He has been doing Army marksmanship in ROTC since he started high school

He states,” I love the shooting sport mainly because it is fun and I enjoy it. I also like all the cool people I get to meet and talk to in the range. The sport bridges the generation gap because I can talk to anyone who has common interest and will understand each other regardless of the age. This also gives me an opportunity to travel to different states with my family, doing a thing we all enjoy.”

“Juniors like me should get involved in this sport because it is fun and competitive. It gives a sense of responsibility and discipline at a young age. I also want tell you that it is good to know and be familiar with the basics of shooting and proper gun handli

Register Now for the 10th Annual Eastern CMP Games in May

Posted By on April 21, 2016

By Ashley Brugnone, CMP WriterCMP 2016 Eastern Games Logo2


CAMP BUTNER, N.C. – The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) will be returning to the Tar Heel state to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of one of its most popular travel matches – the Eastern CMP Games. Rifle and pistol competitors alike are welcome to participate April 29 through May 3 at Camp Butner, N.C. for a weekend of rivalry, fellowship and fun. Spectators are also invited to attend.

Events scheduled to take place at the 2016 Eastern Games include the Garand/Springfield/Vintage and Modern Military Match, Vintage Sniper Match, as well as the popular Rimfire Sporter and Carbine Matches.

Pistol enthusiasts will be able to look forward to an As-Issued 1911 Match, Military & Police 22-Pistol-MatchService  Match, Two-Man Team Match and EIC Match. Additionally, the new .22 Rimfire EIC Pistol Match, introduced at last year’s Eastern Games, will be making a return for those working towards a Rimfire Distinguished Badge.

For anyone wanting to hone his or her skills, a Highpower Shooting Clinic, Pistol Clinic and GSM New Shooter Clinic will take place throughout the week. The Eastern CMP Games will also conduct a Small Arms Firing School (SAFS) for new and experienced shooters. A staple event at the National Matches in Camp Perry, Ohio, since 1918, students in North Carolina will receive classroom and hands-on training in a safe and engaging environment.

SAFS The SAFS instruction is geared toward new shooters, so no previous firearm experience is required. Students participating in the clinic will learn gun safety, target shooting skills, positioning, and basic rifle mechanics by qualified CMP instructors and will fire in a real M16 match. There, students will be able to better learn range commands and see how a true match is conducted.

A barbecue cookout will also be held during the weekend as a thank you to all of our wonderful shooters and guests. Relax, mingle with CMP staff members and receive new friends as delicious food is served on the beautiful wooded grounds of Camp Butner.

For anyone wanting to fire in even more rifle competitions, the Creedmoor Cup Matches will follow the Eastern Games, May 4-8. Events will include a 4-Man Team Match, Creedmoor Cup Match and EIC Match.

We hope to see you in North Carolina!

Thumbs Up For more information on the Eastern Games, including registration and full event descriptions, visit http://thecmp.org/competitions/cmp-travel-games/eastern-games/.

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. It is dedicated to firearm safety and marksmanship training and to the promotion of marksmanship competition for citizens of the United States. For more information about the CMP and its programs, log onto www.TheCMP.org.

CMP: Camp Perry Registration is Open!

Posted By on April 5, 2016

clip_image002CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAMclip_image003

Camp Perry Training Site, Bldg. 3

P.O. Box 576, Port Clinton, OH 43452

Tel (419) 635-2141

Web site: 2016 National Matches Logo

www.TheCMP.org On-Line

Newsletter: http://thecmp.org/communications/the-first-shot/

NEWS RELEASE 31 March 2016

Registration for 2016 National Matches at Camp Perry Opens April 1st

By Ashley Brugnone, CMP Writer

Registration for the popular and historical 2016 National Trophy Pistol and Rifle Matches will begin April 1, 2016 – fired at Camp Perry, Ohio, six miles west of Port Clinton, during the months of July and August. Register on the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) website to claim your spot at this year’s event!

Air Rifle Event The 2016 Match Schedule will be different from the 2014-2015 National Matches – returning to the original schedule of years past. Events featured will include the John C. Garand, President’s Rifle, Hearst Doubles, Vintage Sniper, as well as a multitude of prestigious pistol events. This year also marks the 20th Anniversary of the CMP, so come help us celebrate!

New this year, the CMP will introduce its Legacy Series: an extra week highlighting an assortment of competitions that feature both vintage and modern military rifles. Each event has been named to honor the memories of important figures in marksmanship history, as well as to commemorate the spirit of past and present National Matches.

On top of competitive opportunities, a Small Arms Firing School (SAFS) will also be held for rifle and pistol enthusiasts, where participants will be instructed by some of the top military shooters in the country on firearm safety and competition technique. The SAFS courses have been a staple in the National Matches at Camp Perry since 1918.

Many other clinics and learning opportunities, taught by qualified professionals, will also be available throughout the National Matches. Whether an experienced shooter or firing a shot for the first time, those wanting to enhance their rifle or pistol abilities can register for a number of clinics conducted during the Matches.

RifleSmallArmsFiringSchool Events are open to the public, and spectators are welcome to observe firing on the Camp Perry ranges at any time. Guests are encouraged to participate in the many exciting activities and visual attractions offered during the Match season.

Don’t forget that outside of the action on the firing line, Commercial Row offers a variety of items for both spectators and shooters – with a multitude of manufacturers selling used firearms, ammunition, competition gear, accessories, apparel and much more. The CMP Store allows even more buying opportunities at the Matches with our collection of military surplus rifles.

Be a part of and witness the most anticipated time of year for competitive shooting – all happening at Camp Perry!

For registration and more information on the National Trophy Pistol and Rifle Matches, including a new schedule of events, log on to http://thecmp.org/competitions/cmp-national-matches/. We hope to see you there!

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. It is dedicated to firearm safety and marksmanship training and to the promotion of marksmanship competition for citizens of the United States. For more information about the CMP and its programs, log onto www.TheCMP.org.

2016 Junior Clinic Kick Off with MGM Targets and Practical Edge Shooting

Posted By on March 27, 2016

JuniorClinic_2 On a foundation of responsible firearm use and training, as well as introduction to youth and families, MGM Targets recognizes their training partner Practical Edge Shooting in Kennewick, WA. Practical Edge kicked off their 2016 season last weekend with a Junior clinic.

PES Director, David Blosser commented afterward, “We are getting ready to kick off our 2016 Season with our first Team practice coming up in a week. The weather here is turning to spring, and most of the Team Athletes competed at last weekend’s local club match to get back into the shooting.

JuniorClinic_7 We also put on our Junior Clinic last weekend. This is a class for new junior shooters that is instructed by our Team Coach. Our Team Athletes share their skills by providing direct peer coaching to the students. We use the clinic to educate new shooters, generate interest into the shooting sports, and identify potential new Team members. At the clinic, we provide the guns & ammo, utilizing Browning Buck Marks, and Springfield XDm’s, and targets provided by MGM TARGETS.

We have been working with many of our partners this pre-season who have further committed their support to the Junior Team. I just want to acknowledge and thank all our partners and specifically thank Browning who is making some things possible for us this year that previously was out of our reach.

With your partnership and support we are looking forward to another successful and exciting shooting season.”

MGM Targets of Caldwell, Idaho is America’s largest steel target manufacturer for pistol and rifle – Providing premium firearms training equipment to discerning customers around the world since 1992.

http://mgmtargets.com/ mgmswitchview.com www.juniorshootercamp.org

Leave Nothing To Chance – mgmtargets.com – 888-767-7371 – Made in America

Shooting Is My Olympic Sport

Posted By on February 24, 2016

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USA Shooting Introduces Campaign to Rally Shooting Sports Community


With Rio in Sight, USA Shooting has launched a brand awareness campaign that it hopes will rally the entire shooting sports community now and in the future, asking members, fans and enthusiasts to declare shooting as their Olympic sport.
The campaign consists of a two-phase engagement approach for fans and member clubs.  The first phase will concentrate on connecting with all shooting sports enthusiasts by providing them with exclusive content and access, bringing together millions of like-minded individuals to cheer for ONE TEAM.  The second phase will create greater synergy and enthusiasm within USA Shooting’s member clubs through a membership drive and engagement effort.

Accompanying the campaign is a newly-branded “Shooting is My Olympic Sport” logo the organization hopes the shooting sports industry will proudly embrace. Created to foster enthusiasm, patriotism and pride among USA Shooting team members, supporters and fans, the overall badge format gives the design a strong and forceful look and feel, while the central circular graphic creates a visual “unity” of the two distinct types of targets used in our sport. An alternative Paralympic logo has been created as well to help spotlight athletes in the Paralympic discipline.

To read the full release, click here.

USA Shooting Set to Host Second National Sporting Clay Cup

The USA Shooting Team send-off celebration and fundraiser is set for June 23-25, as the National Sporting Clay Cup returns to Houston and the American Shooting Centers.
USA Shooting raised over $250,000 during their inaugural shoot in 2014 and with Rio in Sight, this will be the can’t-miss sporting clays fundraiser of the summer with athletes making final preparations to compete at the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Plenty of competition and interaction with 2016 U.S. Olympic Team members will accompany the event that includes a private benefactor dinner and practice session, along with Saturday’s main event.

Click here for more info.

Vincent Hancock Named 2015 ISSF Shooter of the Year

Two-time Olympic and three-time World champion Vincent Hancock was recognized recently by the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) as the 2015 Shooter of the Year. He was named alongside 2008 Olympic bronze medalist Snjezana Pejcic, a female rifle shooter from Croatia.
It is an honor Hancock hopes will repeat itself in 2016, as he’s made the quest of earning a third straight Olympic gold medal his ultimate goal. If he were to accomplish the feat, he’d become the first shooter and just the sixth American ever to earn three consecutive gold medals in the same individual event.
Hancock was voted to the ISSF’s highest honor following a vote of their Coaches Advisory and Athletes Committee, as well as a panel of international media representatives.  USA Shooting athletes were well-represented with Matt Emmons finishing second to Hancock while Michael McPhail was sixth.  Morgan Craft was fourth in the women’s vote.

Juniors Travis & Roe Emerge during European Airgun Trip

A pair of USA Shooting Team junior team members brought home plenty of hardware competing at the recent Meyton Cup and Bavarian Airgun Championships. They were among 14 athletes competing in the year’s first major competitions.
High school senior Rhiann Travis, bound for Ohio State this coming fall, was a spectacular performer. At the Meyton Cup in Innsbruck, Austria, she earned gold and silver medals in junior air rifle and a gold in the open class as well and followed that up with silver in one of the junior events during the Bavarian Airgun Championships in Munich, Germany.
Ivan Roe, a sophomore at Murray State, was similarly impressive earning two junior bronze medals during the Meyton Cup followed by a silver at Bavarian Air.
All told, the USA Shooting Team owned the Meyton Cup podium, earning 12 podium finishes (seven gold, two silver and three bronze). The two medals by Travis and Roe would be all Team USA could muster in Munich, but three-time Olympic medalist Matt Emmons did finish eighth and ninth behind two big qualification scores of 629 and 628.2.

In the first International Paralympic Committee (IPC) World Cup event of the year in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, McKenna Dahl advanced to the R5 Prone Rifle Final and finished fifth overall.  It was her first time reaching the final in this event.  Jazmin Almlie-Ryan finished 19th after some equipment malfunctions.  Almlie-Ryan had a 12th-place finish early in the event in R4 (10m Air Rifle Standing SH2) with Dahl finishing 15th.

Bullet Points . . .

  • Want updates on the NCAA Rifle season currently ongoing, check out USA Shooting’s Collegiate Rifle Roundup every Wednesday.
  • National Team rifle athlete Ryan Anderson is producing a podcast you don’t want to miss. Check out Ryan’s Shooting Podcast now!

In The News . . .

  • High School Rifle spotlight featuring Robinson Rifle in the Washington Post[READ MORE]
  • 2004 Olympian Connie Smotek selected to the United States Center for Safe Sport board of directors…[READ MORE]
  • How and when to get your kids started in the shooting sports in the new issue of Shooting Sports USA[READ MORE] 

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Junior Cierra Terrizzi Wins Open Match at 10th Annual Camp Perry Open

Posted By on February 5, 2016

clip_image002By Ashley Brugnone, CMP Writer

CAMP PERRY, Ohio – Cierra Terrizzi, 17, of Dallastown MCJROTC in Pennsylvania, was the overall winner in the 60 Shot Terrizzi Open Rifle competition of the Civilian Marksmanship Program’s (CMP) 10th Annual Camp Perry Open at the Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center, with a Finals score of 205.3. She bested Army Marksmanship Unit (AMU) member Daniel Lowe, 23, by only one point. Following in third place was junior Ian Foos, 18, of Bellevue, Ohio.

On the pressure of being a junior against a talented AMU shooter, Terrizzi said, “It was nerve-wracking, but I liked it. I think the competition made me do better.”

“I just try to stay focused on my shot routine – I try not to get super excited because then I’ll get all shaky, and it doesn’t work out well,” she added with a laugh. After being announced the winner of the Camp Perry Open, she joked, “I was trying not to cry in front of all of those people!”

In the 60 Shot Open Pistol event, SGT Greg Markowski, 42, of the AMU, won the gold in the Finals with a score of 199.4. Junior Anthony McCollum, 19, of The Ohio State University, gave an impressive performance to earn second place in a shoot-off against Markowski. CMP’s James Hall, 32, was third overall.

Right: Junior Cierra Terrizzi from Dallastown MCJROTC in Pennsylvania was the overall winner in the rifle 60 Shot Open competition after an outstanding Finals performance on the last day of competition. She also came in third place in the Junior Rifle Match.

LoweThe Super Finals, which has made the Camp Perry Open unlike any other air event over the last decade, was also fired over the weekend. Contrary to typical CMP air gun Finals, blaring music, cheering fans, clappers, cow bells and other commotions were heard throughout the range at an attempt to distract the competitors on the firing line.

Left – Lowe: After a tense final shot, Dan Lowe of the Army Marksmanship Unit beat his teammate by 0.1 points to become the Super Final Champion in the rifle category.

Lowe commented on how he kept his composure while competing in the chaos of the Super Final, saying, “When we’re taking breaks between shots, I kind of like to let the craziness go with the flow. Then about two seconds before the shot, I look down range and go, ‘Okay, this is where my focus is now.’ That ‘On/Off switch’ was what I needed.”

Hall added, “I think this (the Super Final format) is something that’s going to grow for the future. Practicing for it is important because at international competition, you get a lot of cheering and noise going on. So practicing finals like this is great for the sport.”

OSU-PistolThe Top 40 air p istol marksmen overall and the Top 20 male and Top 20 female air rifle competitors took the firing line in the fun and exciting match. As the last shot approached, air pistol competitors SFC James Henderson, 48, of the AMU and CMP’s James Hall were the final two on the line, while the AMU’s Dan Lowe and SPC Erin McNeil, 27, stood on the rifle firing line.

 Right – OSU Pistol: Anthony McCollum (thumbs up guy) had an incredible showing at this year’s Camp Perry Open – winning the Junior Pistol competition by 30 points and coming in second in the Open competition. His Ohio State Pistol team (seen here) was also arguably the loudest bunch during the Super Final.

With an unbelievable 10.9 shot, James Hall took home the overall title in pistol, while Lowe narrowly beat out McNeil by one-tenth-of-a-point with a 10.1 over her 10.0. For their win, both shooters received $200 from the CMP. Second through fourth place also went home with cash prizes: $150 for second and $100 for third and fourth.

In the Junior Rifle event, though earning third in the Open Rifle competition, Ian Foos regrouped to dominate with an outstanding Finals score of 206.8 for first place. Joseph Hoover, 17, of the Black Swamp Jr. Rifle team in Ohio, trailed Foos for second, as Cierra Terrizzi landed in third.

Anthony McCollum had another excellent showing in the Junior Pistol competition – leading the other shooters on the line by nearly 30 points. In second was fellow Ohio State junior Michael Soklaski, 19, followed by Brett Tucker, 19, of the University of Akron in Ohio, for third.

Before the 60 Shot Match commenced on Saturday, a 3×20 event was held on Friday of the Camp Perry Open for sporter and precision rifle junior athletes. In sporter, Tyler Jetjomlong, 17, of Middletown Post 151 in New York, was the overall winner with his score of 652.5.

Jetjomlong “During the finals, I was trying to ignore the score and focus on shooting the shot center, but the entire time I was really nervous,” Jetjomlong admitted, “But I just told myself to calm down, make sure everything is aligned, and I just went from there.”

Left – Jetjomlong: Tyler JetJomlong of Middletown Post 151 in New York was the overall sporter winner in the 3×20 event.

Jetjomlong’s score was 10 points over the second place competitor, Emma Thompson, 15, of Freeport High School NJROTC in Illinois, who finished with 642.4. Thompson’s teammate, Alyssa Hornung, 16, fired a score of 641 for third.

Annabelle Stanec, 15, of the Ashland Eagles in Ohio, earned an aggregate score of 693.6 for first place in the precision match. Joseph Hoover beat out Sydney Perry, 18, of Shelby County MCJROTC in Kentucky, with a score of 692.8 in a close match. Perry recorded a score of 692.5 for a third-place finish.

First place finishers in the Open and 3×20 event received a $100 Visa Gift Card, while second earned $75 and third took home $50 – all courtesy of the CMP.

Congratulations to all winners! Thank you, competitors and incomparable staff of the CMP, for 10 great years of Camp Perry Open competition. We hope to see you next year!

For a complete list of results, including team results, visit https://ct.thecmp.org/app/v1/index.php?do=match&task=edit&match=13381.

Photos can be found online at http://cmp1.zenfolio.com.

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. It is dedicated to firearm safety and marksmanship training and to the promotion of marksmanship competition for citizens of the United States. For more information about the CMP and its programs, log onto www.TheCMP.org.


Camp Perry Training Site, Bldg. 3

P.O. Box 576, Port Clinton, OH 43452

Tel (419) 635-2141

Web site: www.TheCMP.org

On-Line Newsletter: http://thecmp.org/communications/the-first-shot/

First Time Deer Hunting With Grandpa!!

Posted By on February 3, 2016

By: Abigail Taylor (11)

Abbi Deer Hunting My mom and dad called me into their room in early October to tell me that Grandpa Taylor called and wanted to know if I would like to go hunting with him up in Goldendale, WA. He said he would pay for my license and out-of-state tag. I had a friend’s birthday party that same weekend. The choice was easy; I was going hunting!      

Unfortunately, my dad was unable to go, so my sweet, awesome, wonderful mom loaded my two sisters and me in the car and we headed for Goldendale, WA.  After we got to the campsite, we played in the forest behind the trailers. All the cousins thought it would be fun to make a teepee out of fallen braches; we all helped since a teepee is a lot of work. Then, when we finished building the teepee, we covered it in branches from fallen trees, so it was somewhat dry and warm inside. We were told to get cleaned up so we could go into town for dinner at a pizza joint. After we got back to camp, we played some more, had dessert and went to bed; we had to wake up early for opening day of deer season.

My Grandpa Frank woke me up around 6:30 a.m. so we could get ready to go hunting. We got dressed, packed food, grabbed his Remington 280 with a 3×9 power scope, and loaded up in the truck. As we were driving to the area my grandpa likes to hunt, we saw two spikes; unfortunately in this unit they have to be a 3-point or bigger. Once we got to the place we were going to park, we grabbed our packs and rifle and started our hike.

I thought hiking would be easier because the terrain is flat with smaller hills and thick standing trees with lots of deadfall, very different from what I’ve hunted in Idaho. Boy, was I wrong; hiking up the hills and climbing on and over the deadfall carrying a 15-pound pack and my grandpa’s rifle kicked my butt. We made about a 1-to-1½-mile loop to scout the area and ended back at the truck. We unloaded the rifle and took off our packs and talked about where to go next as we ate licorice out of grandpa’s 10-pound bucket of Red Vines.

After we filled up on Red Vines, Grandpa took me to Porcupine Point before we headed back to camp. Grandpa told me that 20+ years ago my dad claims he heard a porcupine humming to him while my grandpa went to get a deer he shot, nobody knows what the porcupine was humming, but all our hunting friends and family know Porcupine Point. The rest of the day, Grandpa drove me around and showed me the different areas we’d be hunting so that I would be familiar with where we would be hunting.

The next day, we got up at 5:40 a.m. and it was dark, cold, and wet from rain the night before. We did not eat breakfast because we had packed food and snacks for our morning hunt the night before. Grandpa and I loaded our packs and the rifle in the truck while it was warming up. Once everyone in the hunting camp was ready, we loaded up in the three trucks to drive to our hunting area. It started to get light out while driving and we saw an area that looked like a good spot. We parked the truck, loaded the gun and made sure it was on safety. I carried the rifle as my grandpa led the way through thick deadfall and standing trees. We walked a 1-to-1½-mile loop scouting the area and then we sat for a while to watch for deer. It was getting to be late morning and we didn’t see anything, so we walked back to the truck where we got warm and had a snack.

We drove to a different spot, took a turn around a big pine tree and there it was; a nice big 3-point buck standing in the middle of an old Cat road. My grandpa threw the truck in park and said, “Grab the gun.” I grabbed the gun, walked around the truck, and my grandpa said, “Load the gun;” but I had no bullets (cartridges). I had left them inside the cup holder. He took the rifle and told me to grab the bullets, so I grabbed some and loaded the gun. By the time I got it loaded, it was too far away and I could not find the deer in the scope, so I gave the rifle to my grandpa who tried to find it in the scope. When he was lining up, “BOOM” someone else shot at it. We went to help him find it, but could not see any blood where it was standing. We circled back towards the truck to see if there was any sign of the buck, but he had disappeared. We jumped in the truck and headed back to camp.

On my last day we got up for a morning hunt and headed down a road that was new to me. While driving, we saw another spike on the side of the road. Grandpa continued driving and we saw a second spike far away by two trees. We finally stopped at a great spot; it was thick with deadfall and standing trees. We walked a loop that was about 2-2½ miles (half of it was an old Cat road). When we were walking, we spooked a doe and saw a fresh deer bed with a buck track in it, but there was nothing we could shoot. After a five-hour hunt, we decided to go back to camp.

As we entered camp, we were welcomed by the smell of my grandma’s wonderful cooking. We filled our bellies and packed our bags to go home because we had school the next day. I had so much fun spending the three days with my grandpa hunting. Even though I didn’t get a deer, it was a great opportunity and I had a great time. My dad always talked about going hunting with his dad as a child, a tradition that my grandpa and dad will continue with me and my younger sisters.  


Posted By on January 26, 2016

Cleveland, Ohio (January 26, 2016) – Ben Zimmerman, of Myerstown, Pennsylvania, was recently awarded grand prize in the Pyramyd clip_image002Air Son of a Gun Giveaway. The world’s largest Internet airgun retailer ran the sweepstakes via its Website, www.pyramydair.com.  Zimmerman’s prize include a visit to the Pyramyd Air headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio, a $3,000 shopping spree, trigger time on the Pyramyd Air indoor range, and the privilege of becoming honorary CEO for the day.

“The Son of a Gun Giveaway gave us the chance to open our doors at Pyramyd Air and invite an airgun enthusiast to see what goes on behind the scenes,” said Pyramyd Air CEO, Josh Ungier. “I gave up the reigns for a short time and escorted our guest through the headquarters where he was able to go on a once-in-a-lifetime shopping spree, meet the team members who are the lifeblood of our business, and shoot a .45 caliber AirForce Texan Big Bore air rifle in our state-of-the-art indoor shooting range,” he said.

An avid airgunner, Zimmerman approached the day with abundant enthusiasm. “I’ve never won anything like this before,” he said. “I’ve been shooting airguns for a while now, so being welcomed at Pyramyd Air and seeing the variety of airguns and accessories they house under one roof was a real thrill. They’ve got anything and everything ‘airgun’ you can possibly imagine,” he added.

As part of the grand prize package, Zimmerman chose a .25 caliber Air Arms S510 Xtra FAC Sidelever PCP Air Rifle air rifle valued at nearly $1300.00. “This gun is absolutely beautiful, and great to shoot.  I was lucky enough to test this on the Pyramyd Air range during my visit, and I can’t wait to get it home and continue the fun,” said Zimmerman. “Everyone I met at Pyramyd air was welcoming and helpful. I can say with confidence clip_image004that you won’t find another airgun retailer anywhere with as much expert knowledge and commitment to top-quality customer service. They run a tight ship,” he said.

The Son of a Gun Giveaway ran from June through September of 2015, and offered entrants the chance at winning gift cards as weekly prizes and airguns for the monthly prizes throughout the sweepstakes. Ungier says more contests are in store for 2016. “We’re gearing up for more fabulous fan sweepstakes, so I encourage people to visit www.pyramydair.com and keep your eyes open for details.”

For additional information visit PyramydAir.com, or contact Marketing Manager, Kristen Coss by email: kristen.coss@pyramydair.com, or phone: 888-262-4867 ext. 253, or reach Media Contact, Laura Evans by email: laura.evans@pyramydair.com .

For up-to-date news and information from Pyramyd Air, sign up for email updates by visiting PyramydAir.com and clicking the “Subscribe” link on the left side on the home page. For the latest news from Pyramyd Air, follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/PyramydAir and Facebook facebook.com/PyramydAirCom.

#  #  #

Pyramyd Air sells airguns, accessories and ammo from AirForce Airguns, Air Arms, Air Venturi, Beeman, Benjamin, Beretta, Browning, BSA, Colt, Crosman, Daisy, Eun Jin, Evanix, Feinwerkbau (FWB), Gamo, Hammerli, Heckler & Koch (HK), IZH-Baikal, Magnum Research, Makarov, Marksman, Mendoza, Remington, Ruger, RWS Diana, Sam Yang, Sheridan, Smith & Wesson (S&W), Sumatra, Tanfoglio, Umarex, Walther, Webley, Weihrauch, Winchester and others.

Pyramyd Air provides professional product videos from  Airgun Reporter Paul Capello and a daily blog, Pyramyd Air Report , written by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier, a world-renowned airgun writer, expert and consultant. They also provide instructional videos on Airgun Academy and airsoft videos located here on their website.

2016 CMP Rulebooks Released

Posted By on January 15, 2016

By Gary Anderson, DCME


 picture-2 2016 rulebooks for CMP-governed Service Rifle, Pistol and CMP Games shooting events have just been released. The 2016 20th Edition of the CMP Competition Rules for Service Rifle and Pistol is posted at http://thecmp.org/wp-content/uploads/Rulebook.pdf. The 2016 4th Edition of the Competition Rules for CMP Games Rifle and Pistol Matches is posted at http://thecmp.org/wp-content/uploads/CMPGamesRules.pdf.

The big changes in last year’s CMP competition rules concerned the modernization of CMP pistol rules. The definition of a Service Pistol was expanded to allow the use of a broad spectrum of military-type pistols in CMP EIC and National Trophy Matches. In what proved to be a very popular new pistol program, the 2015 rules established 22 Rimfire Pistol EIC Matches and Distinguished Badges. Eleven competitors earned the new Badge in the program’s inaugural year. The objective of these changes was to increase participation in CMP pistol programs. 2015 increases in Pistol EIC Matches and competitor numbers affirmed that this objective was being reached. As a result, there was no need for further pistol rule changes in 2016.

The big rule changes in the 2016 CMP competition rules concern the modernization of CMP Service Rifle rules. Starting in 2016, Service Rifle competitors will be able to choose between service rifles with traditional metallic sights or rifles with telescopes with a maximum of 4.5X magnification. This rule change was coordinated with a similar rule change adopted by the NRA.

The decision to legalize optical sights on service rifles was taken after several years of discussion and a recognition that U. S. military personnel no longer use anything but optical sights on their military rifles. CMP Service Rifle rules have traditionally tried to keep abreast of military rifle and training developments so opening Service Rifle shooting to optical sights became an inevitable change. To quote one comment received by the CMP, “It is very difficult now to say that as-issued ‘AR-15 or M16’ does not include telescopes.”

Another major change in the CMP Service Rifle rules will allow the use of a much wider variety of M16/AR15-type rifles. Legal service rifles will no longer be restricted to rifles that rigidly comply with the M16 service rifle profile. Starting in 2016, Service Rifles can be any “M16 U. S. Service Rifle or a similar AR15 type commercial rifle that is derived from the M16 service rifle design” and that complies with these restrictions:picture-1

· Chambered for the 5.56 x 45 mm (.223) NATO cartridge.

· Designed or modified for semi-automatic fire only.

· Have either a gas-impingement system or a piston-operated gas system.

· Have a barrel that is no longer than 20 inches, or 21 5/8 inches if the barrel has a flash suppressor.

· Must use the same upper receiver and barrel for the entire match.

· Have a trigger pull of at least 4.5 pounds.

· Quad rails or similar hand guards are permitted, but the front sling swivel location must be fixed at 13 inches (+/- ½ in.) ahead of the forward edge of the magazine well (8.0 inches on M4 configured rifles).

· Use standard service magazines or commercial equivalents.

· Have a fixed or collapsible butt-stock that may vary in length and even be adjusted between firing stages. Butt-plates or cheek-pieces may not, however, be adjustable.

· Have a standard A1 or A2 pistol grip.

· Extended bolt releases and mirror-image left-hand receivers will be permitted.

The CMP released a preliminary announcement about 2016 rule changes that were under consideration by the CMP Rules Committee in the Oct 22nd edition of CMP Shooter’s News ( http://thecmp.org/2016-cmp-rifle-and-pistol-rule-changes/) . Over 100 written (email) comments were received and reviewed by the Committee. A substantial majority supported allowing optical sights and the broadening of the Service Rifle rule. The one rule change that most shooters opposed was a proposed weight limit for Service Rifles with optical sights. After considering these comments, the CMP Rules Committee decided to reject the Service Rifle weight limit proposal. In 2016, there will be no weight limits for Service Rifles, whether they have optical or metallic sights.

Many comments submitted to the CMP supported the idea of offering separate categories for service rifles with metallic and optical sights. That was a topic of much debate by the Rules Committee, but the arguments for having one unified competitor category competing together for EIC points and Distinguished Badges prevailed. Having separate categories and one Distinguished Badge would have created nightmare administrative challenges. Having two categories and separate Distinguished Rifleman Badges for optical and metallic sighted rifles would have become a formula for diminishing the prestige of the traditional Distinguished Rifleman Badge. The final CMP decision was to keep one strong, unified Service Rifle event instead of two smaller categories that likely would compete with each other for prestige and participation. In the end, it was hard to envision any real benefits to having two President’s Rifle Match winners or two National Trophy Team Match winners.


Some comments argued that higher power scopes should be allowed, but others recognized the wisdom of restricting scope magnification to 4.5X because that meant shooters with scopes would have no or only a small advantage. Several comments asked why optics were not also allowed for M14s. This issue is still on the table and will be evaluated during 2016. Several competitors expressed concerns that adding optics to M16/AR15-type rifles will increase costs and may impact participation. However, many other older shooters said allowing optics will keep them in the game longer or, in some cases, bring them back. “Now I’m definitely putting a SR together and getting back in the CMP game. It’s no longer a seeing game.”

For 2016, the new service rifle definitions and restrictions were purposefully kept at a minimum. Rather than try to define too many details now, the Rules Committee decided to let 2016 experiences define where there are real issues that will require further definition in the future. Competitors should always feel free to ask questions or offer further comments by contacting CMP Competitions via email at competitions@thecmp.org.

Another major Service Rifle rule change will abolish allowing extra time or refires for malfunctions. This change will save time because malfunction refires effectively double the length of time needed for rapid-fire relays in big matches. The main reason for this change is to place more responsibility on competitors for having rifles and ammunition that function with complete reliability. Comments received by the CMP concerning this change showed that it is controversial, but a majority of shooters supported the change. As one example, “The elimination of “alibis” is long overdue. It was always most frustrating to me when it takes longer to shoot rapid fire than slow fire.

The rules that were just released include, for the first time, new CMP rules for electronic targets. For the moment, these rules apply only to matches conducted at the CMP Marksmanship Park near Talladega, Alabama, but that will change in the future as more ranges switch to electronic targets. For 2016 competitions on the Talladega electronic target ranges, the CMP will place backing cards on the rear of all targets. This will enable match officials to quickly decide protested shots and any claims for missing shots. Backing cards were used during the Talladega 600 matches in early December and although there were several score protests, the original electronic target indications were verified in every case when the backing cards were removed and inspected.

In addition to using backing cards on the rear of the targets, the new CMP electronic target rules will require that verifiers observe each firer to confirm shots fired and scored and to assist if there are crossfires or missing shot claims. Each of the two rulebooks will now have an Annex titled “2016 Electronic Target Scoring Rules” that provide step-by-step procedures for dealing with protested shot values, claims concerning missing shots and unclaimed or extra shots.

In keeping with past practice, all substantive changes in the two 2016 rulebooks are identified with unlined texts. As reported in the preliminary rules announcement in October, there were only a few other noteworthy 2016 rule changes. The threshold age for being able to start CMP Games rifle rapid-fire stages in position was moved to 70, but competitors with physical disabilities can start in position regardless of age. The one new caveat is that competitors in all CMP Games Matches including Rimfire Sporter who start in position can be senior class winners, but not match winners. CMP Achievement Award Scores are updated annually, but there were no significant changes in these cut scores except for Service Pistol and 22 Rimfire Pistol scores. There is an important rule change to also allow 4.5X maximum optical sights for Modern Military Rifles that are governed by CMP Games Rules. New Pistol Range Officer scripts are added to the Service Rifle and Pistol rulebook so now there are Range Officer scripts in the applicable rulebook for use in conducting all CMP events.

The CMP extends its best wishes to all competitors and match officials for a great 2016 shooting year.

For more information about the CMP and its programs, log onto www.TheCMP.org for more information and program descriptions.

clip_image003CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAMclip_image002

Camp Perry Training Site, Bldg. 3

P.O. Box 576, Port Clinton, OH 43452

Tel (419) 635-2141

Web site: www.TheCMP.org

On-Line Newsletter: http://thecmp.org/communications/the-first-shot/


Posted By on January 12, 2016

Reloaders rejoice – Hodgdon’s 2016 Annual Manual contains more useful loads than any other manual on the planHodgdon-2016annual2et. Now in its 13th consecutive year, this 8½- by 11-inch magazine-style publication is filled with Hodgdon®, IMR® and Winchester® brand powder and reloading information.

Featured in the 2016 Annual is data for IMR 4955, the latest introduction to the Enduron® series of smokeless powders. IMR 4955 lands between IMR 4451 and
IMR 7977 on the burn rate chart, and it’s an ideal choice for many popular hunting calibers such as
.270 Win., .25-06 Rem. and .300 Win. Mag.

Enduron® Technology allows accuracy to be maintained over longer shooting sessions, thanks to a special additive that helps remove copper fouling as the rifle is fired. This environmentally friendly formulation delivers ideal loading densities in medium and big game hunting calibers.

The 2016 Annual also includes data for the new 28 Nosler, updates for 31 rifle and pistol cartridges, eight new informative articles on reloading, as well as one story on Olde Eynsford® for black powder cartridges.

Get the complete source for reloading with the 2016 Annual Manual is now on newsstands and at Hodgdon dealers everywhere for only $8.99. For more information and more data, visit hodgdon.com and the Reloading Data Center or call (913) 362-9455.

For all your gunpowder needs it’s Hodgdon®, The Brand That’s True®

Media contact:

Chris Hodgdon



913-362-1307 (fax)